Monday, November 26, 2012

Is *really* into football


Mauro is super sensitive about NFL football. He LOVES the cowboys, which is a little weird since he grew up around here, but whatever, they are a popular team, and even I liked the cowboys back in the 70s the 80s, but I grew out of it.

He gets really mad if i txt him after they lose a game, which is weird since i am usually just saying things like "wow" or "that sucks" or somethin

Always has a hat


As you know Mauro and I share similar hair styles. During the winter when we have to go outside for some reason, i typically forget my hat, so my head gets pretty cold.  But Mauro never forgets his hat, he always seems to pull a hat out of his coat pocket, like magic.

Dude, its ok to sometimes offer your hat to someone else, if they have similar hair styles
