Friday, September 30, 2011

Brings in Breakfast Tacos


This morning Mauro really made me mad. Its Friday, so I brought in amazing doughnuts from Dunkin Doughnuts, but he brought in really fancy breakfast tacos. So everyone got full on the breakfast tacos and only Michael ate some doughnuts.

Thanks for ruining my moment of office glory. hope you have a good weekend.


Leaves a Meeting, Comes Back with Banana Bread


Yesterday I was in a pretty important meeting with Mauro and someone else. Mauro left for some reason, then returned eating a slice of Sarah's banana bread. He didn't explain why or why he didn't bring any for us. I was very surprised when I saw the banana bread, and Im sure it threw off our new employee as well.

Dude, bring back banana bread for everyone, or eat it in the hall.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Underwhelmed Keith


Today, in the conference room during lunch Mauro was making everyone look a sonic boom pictures. He also kept picking the lamest youtube videos. Keith finally told him that he was leaving because he was underwhelmed. dude. keith usually brings his lunch, and eats at his desk. this is probably why.

ps. just now Mauro gave me the wrong dimensions for a tv, so i had to recut something. ugh.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Doesn't hope i get better


So im sick. I sent a note around letting everyone at the office know that i wont be coming in. I got a couple great emails back wishing that i get better soon, or that i just "feel better" , someone even demanded that i "get better!"

What well wishes do i get from Mauro? Nothing. thanks man. if i dont get better some of it will now be your fault.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Leaves work really fast.

Dear Blog,

Mauro just left the office in a hurry.

I am stuck here, but he made some kind of fancy last minute plans with his wife i think that are not on his calendar, and took off.

Dude, if you dont tell me these things, and they aren't the calendar then I don't have much time to prepare to join you. Not cool!


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Doesn't want to work on LABOR day

Dear Blog,

So today I txted mauro and told him that I would like him ton come in and to help me drill concrete tomorrow at our office. Seeing that tomorrow is LABOR day, where we are supposed to work a little extra hard, I didn't see a problem. Anyway, so he txted back that he has a bunch of stuff to do with his family. Dude. "Labor day" is the same as "work"day if you made a mistake not telling your family that I might txt you last minute to come in and drill concrete on a national holidy I don't see why i have to be the victim.

whatever. i hope you have a nice "labor" day.