Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Steals my Beard Pattern


I want to write about something that has been going on a few weeks now. I have waited, hoping it to pass before writing about it. Unfortunately, it has continued, so I have no choice but to report it here.

Mauro now looks a little more like me. A while back, I started shaving and trimming my beard to look like Daughtry from American Idol. No less than 3 weeks later, who shows up with the same trimming?

Get your own look dude!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Talks to Himself in the Kitchen, Likes M&Ms

Dear Blog,

Just now I overhead Mauro talking to himself in the kitchen. He was rustling the big bag of candy, then I heard him say "no, no, just the M&Ms..." and went over to the little container of M&Ms and left.
